Our Smart Money Solutions

Personal Finance

Are you working and hardly have money in the bank? Is your cash flow out of control? Trapped in debt? Need a hand on how to take control of your finances?

Let Expert Money Coach, V, help you experience what financial security, freedom and wellness feels like.

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Couples Finance

Make money a non-issue in your relationship. Confront the elephant that’s pinning your relationship down.

Managing money on your own is tough enough. In a relationship? Well, that’s even harder. Now we are talking about two people with possibly totally different relationships with money and spending habits.

Let V be your Money Coach!

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Employee Financial Wellness

44% of employees who are stressed about their finances admit to being distracted at work by personal financial issues. (PWC, 2023)

Providing a sound financial literacy program (such as our Smart Money Employee Wellness program) to your employees is seen as an increasingly important component of your company’s strategy as your employee/team's level of financial literacy has a bigger impact on your company’s profitability and productivity.

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Accounting & Tax Services

Stay Compliant & Secure your Financial Future with Smart Monet with V. We are a trusted partner for simplifying daily finances and securing financial futures for individuals and small business owners.

Contact us and let us help you with your individual or company tax and accounting needs.

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Our Financial Planning Expertise

Budget | Savings | Investments | Accounting | Insurance | Tax | Estate | Retirement | Education

Meet your Expert Money Coach

Victoria Elias BA (SA)
Victoria Elias BA (SA)

She holds a BCom Accounting degree, Advanced Diploma in Financial Markets, Postgraduate diploma in Financial Markets (Honours Equivalent), has JSE Equity settlements and RE5 certifications, and she's currently completing her Master of Commerce program specialising in Financial Management. She has strong work experience in Finance having worked as a Corporate Actions Specialist for companies inclusive of Easy Equities (Purple Group Limited), Societe Generale Security Services and Standard Bank Group Security Services. Her collective work experience and academic background positions her as an expert and someone you can absolutely trust to guide you on how to create wealth, manage your debts, protect, save and invest your money.

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