Client Category A : Individuals (Young & veteran professionals, Business Owners/Entrepreneurs and Students)

We remove the burden of financial planning
and management by partnering with you to
devise a customized, holistic financial plan
that includes every are of your life from
wealth creation to wealth preservation and
protection. This includes budget, debt
management, estate, insurance, education,
philanthropic, tax, retirement, and
investment planning.

Client Category B: Couples

Managing money on your own is tough enough. In a relationship? Well, that’s even harder. Now we are talking about two people with possibly totally different relationships with money and spending habits. As couples you have special financial planning needs together – whether it’s deciding if you want to merge your accounts, make decisions about spending and investing, employing certain tax strategies, or determining estate plans to ensure your spouse/partner inherits your assets. We will not only guide you through how to go about that, we will also help you do it.

Client Category C : Corporates (Employee Financial Wellness)

The working population is living in a state of financial stress. They’re spending more, saving less, and are jeopardizing their financial health in the process. Financial stress is a catalyst for behavior change, and employees with financial stress are not only good for themselves, but also for you as your employer, due to ◦ Excessive loan and advance requests ◦ Increase in absenteeism or turnover ◦ Decrease in employee productivity ◦ Higher health care costs ◦ Low retirement plan participation rate

Procuring our Smart Money with V Employee Financial Wellness program will help in eliminating your employees’ financial stress.