Ours is a story of eliminating the culture of [bad] debt and cultivating the culture of savings among South African families and individuals so that they can get to achieve their dreams which often require the greatest resource of all – money.

Whether you’re starting out, in school, between jobs, veteran or young professional or at home raising a family…everyone has dreams. Maybe it’s owning a new home, starting a business, investing in property, saving money for your kids’ education, travelling more, or just living comfortably in retirement. None of these happen by accident – that’s why financial planning is so important. With a plan in place, you’re able to determine where you are now, where you’d like to be in the future – and what you must do to get there.

However, before you get to the planning and use of your money, we first need to get you started with financial literacy and wellness.

Financial Literacy – To be financially literate is to know how to manage your money. This means learning how to pay your bills, how to borrow and save money responsibly, and how to and why to invest and plan for retirement.

Financial wellness is the overall health of your financial life, and it speaks to your relationship with money and effectively managing your economic life. It doesn’t require achievement of status or income because this, everyone has the capacity to practice.

When you are financially well, you seldom have money-related stress.

Smart Budget

At the core of any financial plan and decision is a budget. Hence Smart Budgeting forms part of every conversation we have with our clients.

Did you know? It is not your salary that makes you rich or live in lack, it is your spending behaviour…

One of the first building blocks of a successful personal finance plan is the ability to budget. Although it’s easy to understand, it’s also difficult to do because it requires a hard look in the mirror and a willingness to see what really stares back at you, hence doing it with SMART Money with V will be a total life changer for you! We’ll help you navigate and do the hard things. Budgeting requires that you analyze and likely change your spending habits. Instead of your money controlling you, you control your money.

Develop habits to save, avoid financial crisis, and maintain peace of mind with Smart Money with V!